With Bernd, everything proceeds in a quite discrete, no-nonsense way as a matter of course. If this appeals to you, then it's to Bernd that you should turn as a "friend" and even possibly a lifesaver.
With his tremendous business and life experience, Bernd is creative in finding solutions in many areas. For him, nothing is beyond consideration.
Of course, he does not work alone. He can count on an enthusiastic and dynamic team of both young and mature assistants of varied backgrounds. This team can speak 5 languages, has many other talents, is quite diverse professionally, and so bundles a wealth of experience and worldwide connections.
Want to know more? Then send Bernd a brief message about what and/or whom you are looking for. He guarantees a reply, free of charge and with no obligation.
Bernd's priority will always be to tackle your problem with a no-nonsense approach, but affinity with your case is also important. Is what you ask simply not doable? Then he will let you know immediately – because this is the way friends deal with each other, in an open, honest and straightforward manner.
If he can help you, he will promptly let you know and will make an appointment for a personal interview – also either free of charge or, at most, for reimbursement of any travel expenses. If you want, this first meeting can take place on neutral ground.
After evaluating your needs, and accepting your order, he will provide you a clear description of the work needed to be performed, with an accompanying “all-in” price quotation so that you know exactly where you stand, to avoid any unpleasant surprises.
Please contact Bernd soon - he might be able to help you! 
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